Wednesday, 9 October 2013

31 for 21 : Day 9

October 9th...somehow it feels like October is already flying by. And speaking of October, WHERE did the rest of 2013 go??

Everleigh came home from daycare today with a fever. The ladies said she ate lunch fine, and went down for her nap fine. Woke up with a 101.7 fever. This seems to be a common trend with Miss E however, she is usually fine for the morning and develops the fever later on. This fever has been preceeded by a few days of a beautiful runny nose, so I am sort of expecting sinus infection or something similar. Sprayed her with saline spray (she HATED it), put her Vick's plug in in and turned on the humidifier.

Fingers crossed she's feeling better in the morning! 'Tis the season for colds, runny noses, and infections (but also for joy and all that fun stuff)!

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